Over the years I've come across various great posts on the internet related to programming. A lot of those I consider essential reading for programmers. So I shall be sharing a list of blog posts over here, some essential, some not(but still good reads).
- Learning to Code: The Roadmap I Wish I Had Been Given - Just read this one today. More relevant to beginners with no or very little programming background.
- How I Became a Programmer - A post in the same vein as the first one.
- Why can't Programmers... Program? - On the importance of knowing the little things, by Jeff Atwood, cofounder of StackExchange, the Q&A framework we're using in the Udacity Forums.
- Recursion Explained with the Flood Fill Algorithm (and Zombies and Cats), a very good explanation of Recursion by Al Sweigart, the writer ofInvent Your own Computer Games with Python.
- Principles of Good Programming
- Teach Yourself Programming in 10 Years, by Peter Norvig - MUST READ
- Become a Good Programmer in Six Really Hard Steps, a good follow up on the Peter Norvig post MUST READ
- How to RTFM - Tips for a life of discovery - Stuck at a problem? Solution - search google(or ask on the forums). No! That's the worst you could do. Read The F---ing Manual! (:P)
- Demise of the Low Level Programmer - For people who really want to get into serious programming
- 10 Rules of a Zen Programmer
- Knuth : Programming as an Art - Yes, it's art
- A Visual Guide to Version Control - If you stick to programming for more than a while, then you're eventually going to end up using(if you don't, then you should) Version control. So better learn about it sooner rather than later.
- The true Fathers of Computing - A little history lesson.
- How to Write Without Writing - Jeff Atwood again, on the importance of writing(having good communication skills) for a programmer
- Evolutionary Algorithm : Evolving "Hello, World!" - Probably the one post which is most off topic here, but I just love this it.
- Signs that you are a bad Programmer - Catch 'em early, better than finding out later or even worse never finding out, and fix them.
- The Jargon File - It's not a blog post, but still an important resource. From Chapter 1 - Introduction : This document is a collection of slang terms used by various subcultures of computer hackers. Though some technical material is included for background and flavor, it is not a technical dictionary; what we describe here is the language hackers use among themselves for fun, social communication, and technical debate. Thedownload page, if you are interested.
- How I Learned to Program - I know I've posted quiet a few in the same vein, but this one is a little different than the rest. And I like the authors style.
- Before Python - Written by Guido van Rossum, the creator & Benevolent Dictator For Life, of Python about his programming experiences before Python. Also has a link to his other blog, - The History of Python.
- Advice from an Old Programmer - Zed Shaw, author of Learn Python the Hard Way gives some excellent advice, and then ends with - You can code. They cannot. That is pretty damn cool. (via @dedos from his post)
- Should Competent Programmers be "Mathematically Inclined?" - Jeff Atwood hits it out of the park again! If you aren't good at math, then that doesn't automatically mean you can't become a good programmer.
- "How much math do I need to know to program?" Not That Much, Actually - by, Al Sweigart, author of Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python.
- Code like a Pythonista - by David Goodger. Python style and Python idioms.
- Stop Using Print for Debugging - Al Sweigart, author of Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python, posts a 5 minute quickstart guide to the Python logging module. Debug the right way!
- on lisp - Official reddit blog on lisp and why they chose Python.
- Turning your code inside out - Every person who's regular on this forum - both the people who usually answered & the ones who usually asked questions, will find this post relevant, specially when it came to a special case of problems that a lot of people had.
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