вторник, 10 апреля 2012 г.

Will Be Programmer

Over the years I've come across various great posts on the internet related to programming. A lot of those I consider essential reading for programmers. So I shall be sharing a list of blog posts over here, some essential, some not(but still good reads).
  1. Learning to Code: The Roadmap I Wish I Had Been Given - Just read this one today. More relevant to beginners with no or very little programming background.
  2. How I Became a Programmer - A post in the same vein as the first one.
  3. Why can't Programmers... Program? - On the importance of knowing the little things, by Jeff Atwood, cofounder of StackExchange, the Q&A framework we're using in the Udacity Forums.
  4. Recursion Explained with the Flood Fill Algorithm (and Zombies and Cats), a very good explanation of Recursion by Al Sweigart, the writer ofInvent Your own Computer Games with Python.
  5. Principles of Good Programming
  6. Teach Yourself Programming in 10 Years, by Peter Norvig - MUST READ
  7. Become a Good Programmer in Six Really Hard Steps, a good follow up on the Peter Norvig post MUST READ
  8. How to RTFM - Tips for a life of discovery - Stuck at a problem? Solution - search google(or ask on the forums). No! That's the worst you could do. Read The F---ing Manual! (:P)
  9. Demise of the Low Level Programmer - For people who really want to get into serious programming
  10. 10 Rules of a Zen Programmer
  11. Knuth : Programming as an Art - Yes, it's art
  12. A Visual Guide to Version Control - If you stick to programming for more than a while, then you're eventually going to end up using(if you don't, then you should) Version control. So better learn about it sooner rather than later.
  13. The true Fathers of Computing - A little history lesson.
  14. How to Write Without Writing - Jeff Atwood again, on the importance of writing(having good communication skills) for a programmer
  15. Evolutionary Algorithm : Evolving "Hello, World!" - Probably the one post which is most off topic here, but I just love this it.
  16. Signs that you are a bad Programmer - Catch 'em early, better than finding out later or even worse never finding out, and fix them.
  17. The Jargon File - It's not a blog post, but still an important resource. From Chapter 1 - Introduction : This document is a collection of slang terms used by various subcultures of computer hackers. Though some technical material is included for background and flavor, it is not a technical dictionary; what we describe here is the language hackers use among themselves for fun, social communication, and technical debate. Thedownload page, if you are interested.
  18. How I Learned to Program - I know I've posted quiet a few in the same vein, but this one is a little different than the rest. And I like the authors style.
  19. Before Python - Written by Guido van Rossum, the creator & Benevolent Dictator For Life, of Python about his programming experiences before Python. Also has a link to his other blog, - The History of Python.
  20. Advice from an Old Programmer - Zed Shaw, author of Learn Python the Hard Way gives some excellent advice, and then ends with - You can code. They cannot. That is pretty damn cool. (via @dedos from his post)
  21. Should Competent Programmers be "Mathematically Inclined?" - Jeff Atwood hits it out of the park again! If you aren't good at math, then that doesn't automatically mean you can't become a good programmer.
  22. "How much math do I need to know to program?" Not That Much, Actually - by, Al Sweigart, author of Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python.
  23. Code like a Pythonista - by David Goodger. Python style and Python idioms.
  24. Stop Using Print for Debugging - Al Sweigart, author of Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python, posts a 5 minute quickstart guide to the Python logging module. Debug the right way!
  25. on lisp - Official reddit blog on lisp and why they chose Python.
  26. Turning your code inside out - Every person who's regular on this forum - both the people who usually answered & the ones who usually asked questions, will find this post relevant, specially when it came to a special case of problems that a lot of people had.

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